Newest Cider – Big Red, a blood orange apple cider

This cider almost didn’t happen… after a successful fermentation, we blended blood orange juice into the mix to give it a bold citrus flavor and deep red color. Then we tried to start transferring it into the brite tank for carbonation, thru our filtration system. Suprisingly, the filters plugged solid after about 20 seconds! We got about 3 gallons transferred and that was it!

All we could do was roll the tank back into the cold room and let it sit, hoping the solids in the juice would eventually settle out. After about one week, thankfully it did settle to the point we tried filtering it again, and got most of the tank transferred but we did waste the bottom since it was full of pulp from the blood oranges.

It was the trickiest cider we’ve made, but so far everyone agrees it has great taste! So hopefully we will figure out how to filter it in the future!

The cider that plugged up the filters, pretty much right away…